Decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Abolishing and Amending Some Rules

Decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Abolishing and Amending Some Rules
Decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Abolishing and Amending Some Rules

Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment No.7

August 22, 2019

The Decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Abolishing and Amending Some Rules, deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on July 11, 2019, is hereby promulgated for implementation as of the date of promulgation.

Decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Abolishing and Amending Some Rules

According to the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Sorting out Regulations, Rules and Normative Documents with Respect to the Protection of the Ecological Environment (Guo Ban Fa [2018] No.87) and the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Sorting out Certification Matters (Guo Ban Fa [2018] No.47), the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has decided to abolish or amend the following rules:

I. Rules Decided to Be Abolished
1. National Regulations on the Administration of Environmental Monitoring (1983, Cheng Huan Zi [1983] No.483, Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection)
2. Code of Conduct for Environmental Regulatory Personnel (1995, Order of the State Environmental Protection Administration No.16)
3. Administrative Measures for Electromagnetism Radiation Environmental Protection (1997, Order of the State Environmental Protection Administration No.18)
4. Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental Information (for Trial Implementation) (2007, Order of the State Environmental Protection Administration No.35)
5. Measures for Post Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement Supervisory Inspections (2010, Order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection No.14)

II. Rules Decided to Be Amended
1. Provisions of the State Environmental Protection Administration on Approval Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment Documents (2005, Order of the State Environmental Protection Administration No.29)
Item 3 that reads "construction project proposal approval document (for project subject to approval) or record-filing approval document (for project subject to record-filing)" in Article 8 concerning the materials to be submitted by a construction unit shall be deleted.
2. Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of National Nature Reserves (2006, Order of the State Environmental Protection Administration No.36, as amended by Order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection No.47 on December 20, 2017)
Item 4 of Article 13 that reads "for construction projects which involve national nature reserves and whose environmental impact assessment documents are examined and approved by local administrative departments for environmental protection according to the law, whether their environmental impact assessment documents have been agreed by the competent administrative department for environmental protection under the State Council before they are examined and approved" shall be deleted.