Decision of the State Council on Revising Certain Administrative Regulations

Decision of the State Council on Revising Certain Administrative Regulations
Decision of the State Council on Revising Certain Administrative Regulations

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China No.714

April 23, 2019

The Decision of the State Council on Revising Certain Administrative Regulations is hereby promulgated for implementation as of the date of promulgation.

Li Keqiang, Premier

Decision of the State Council on Revising Certain Administrative Regulations

In order to further promote the transformation of government functions and the reform of "streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving regulation and services", stimulate vitality in innovation and creation in the market and society to a greater extent, and create a legal, international and convenient business environment, the State Council has cleaned up the administrative regulations involved. After cleaning up, the State Council has decided to revise certain clauses of four administrative regulations.

I. Article 8 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Certified Architects shall be revised to read: "Those who meet one of the following conditions may apply for permission to take the qualification examination for Grade-1 certified architects:
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