Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No.195 - Announcement on Regulating Customs Inspections

Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No.195 - Announcement on Regulating Customs Inspections
Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No.195 - Announcement on Regulating Customs Inspections

Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No.195

December 12, 2018

In order to regulate customs inspections, ensure the Customs' unified law enforcement, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the inspected parties, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

I. Where the Customs needs to copy the relevant materials of the inspected parties when implementing the inspection, the legal representatives or main persons in charge of the inspected parties or representatives designated thereby (collectively the "representatives of the inspected parties") shall, after confirming that the copied materials are consistent with the originals, mark the reference, number of pages, copy time and the wording "This document is verified to be consistent with the original" on the copied materials and sign and seal the same.