Decision of the National Bureau of Statistics on Amending the Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Statistics Law Enforcement

Decision of the National Bureau of Statistics on Amending the Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Statistics Law Enforcement
Decision of the National Bureau of Statistics on Amending the Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Statistics Law Enforcement

Order of the National Bureau of Statistics No.24

November 20, 2018

The Decision of the National Bureau of Statistics on Amending the Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Statistics Law Enforcement, discussed and adopted at the second executive meeting of the National Bureau of Statistics on November 13, 2018, is hereby promulgated for implementation as of the date of promulgation.

Ning Jizhe, Director

Decision of the National Bureau of Statistics on Amending the Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Statistics Law Enforcement

The National Bureau of Statistics has decided to amend the Measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Statistics Law Enforcement as follows:

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