Circular of the State Administration of Taxation and the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Further Promoting the Bank-Tax Interaction Program

Circular of the State Administration of Taxation and the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Further Promoting the Bank-Tax Interaction Program
Circular of the State Administration of Taxation and the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Further Promoting the Bank-Tax Interaction Program

Shui Zong Fa [2017] No.56

May 4, 2017

The offices of the State Administration of Taxation, local taxation bureaus and local offices of the China Banking Regulatory Commission at all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the State plan,

Since the Bank-Tax Interaction Program (the "Program") has been carried out, the tax authorities and banking regulatory departments at all localities are cooperating closely with the banking financial institutions, through the establishment of a cooperation mechanism, setting up of a cooperation platform, sharing and exchange of information, as well as innovation of financing methods, the tax-paying credit and financing credit of enterprises are combined together, the financing problems of small and micro enterprises have been solved, and the tripartite wins for three parties including enterprises, banks and tax authorities have preliminarily been achieved. To consolidate the results of the Program and give full play to the superimposed effect of government information sharing, the circular on further promoting the Program is hereby given as follows:

I. Improving the Bank-Tax Cooperation Mechanism
1. Promoting the deepening of the focus of work. The joint conference system of tax authorities, banking regulatory departments and banking financial institutions at the provincial level for bank-tax cooperation shall be perfected on a continuous basis, the bank-tax cooperation mechanisms at the municipal and county levels shall be established and improved, the focus of the Program should be deepened to the grassroots, the promotion of the bank-tax cooperation mechanism will be achieved in all counties in 2017, and the efforts for bank-tax cooperation at the grassroots level should be enhanced.