Circular on Further Improving the Administration of and Services for Personal Housing Provident Fund Loans

Circular on Further Improving the Administration of and Services for Personal Housing Provident Fund Loans
Circular on Further Improving the Administration of and Services for Personal Housing Provident Fund Loans

Guo Ji Fang Zi [2016] No.4

May 6, 2016

Housing provident fund administrative institutions under all departments and entities of central State organs,

The matters relating to the streamlining of formalities for personal housing provident fund (HPF) loans from central State organs (the "personal HPF loans") and the optimization of business procedures are hereby notified as follows in accordance with the requirements set out in the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Simplifying and Optimizing Procedures for Public Services to Facilitate the Affairs Handling and Entrepreneurship by the Grassroots (Guo Ban Fa [2015] No.86) and the Proposals of the National Government Offices Administration for Simplifying and Optimizing Procedures for Public Services to Facilitate the Affairs Handling by the Grassroots, in order to implement the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to further streamline administration and decentralize powers, strengthen the regulation and optimize the service reform, and provide most workers contributing to the HPF with better and more efficient services.
