Decision on Revising the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Credibility of Securities and Futures Markets

Decision on Revising the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Credibility of Securities and Futures Markets

Decision on Revising the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Credibility of Securities and Futures Markets

Order of the China Securities Regulatory Commission No.106

September 5, 2014

The Decision on Revising the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Credibility of Securities and Futures Markets (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), adopted at the 50th Chairman's Executive Meeting of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "CSRC") on June 23, 2014, is hereby promulgated for implementation as of October 15, 2014.

Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission Xiao Gang

Decision on Revising the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Credibility of Securities and Futures Markets

To establish the Internet inquiry system of the information on illegal or dishonest conduct on the capital market, adjust the effective period of the information on illegal or dishonest conduct and strengthen the protection of rights and interests of information subjects, it is hereby decided to revise the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Credibility of Securities and Futures Markets as follows:

Article 1 The Article 13 is revised as "The information on illegal or dishonest conduct as provided for in Article 8 hereof is valid in the credibility archive for three years, provided that the information on illegal conduct, such as administrative penalties, prohibition to market access, criminal punishments and major civil liabilities for compensation for infringements and breaches of contracts to be borne as specified in judgments arising from illegal securities and futures conduct, is valid for five years.