Rules on the Employment of Disabled People

Rules on the Employment of Disabled People

Rules on the Employment of Disabled People

Order of the State Council [2007] No. 488

February 25, 2007

The Rules on the Employment of Disabled People, which were adopted at the 169th session of the State Council on February 14, 2007, are hereby issued and shall come into effect as of May 1, 2007.

Attachment: Rules on the Employment of Disabled People

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These Rules have been formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Disabled Persons to promote the employment of disabled people and guarantee their employment rights.
Article 2 The state shall, through the implementation of policy on the employment of disabled people at both the individual and collective levels, promote the employment of disabled people.
The people's governments at the county level and above shall incorporate the employment of disabled people into their respective national economic and social development plans, and shall formulate preferential policies and specific assistance and protection measures in order to create favourable conditions for the employment of disabled people.
Article 3 Government authorities, organizations, enterprises, institutions and non-commercial local people's work units (hereinafter collectively referred to as "employers") shall, in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws, these Rules and other applicable administrative regulations, meet their responsibilities and obligations relating to support for the employment of disabled people.
Article 4 The state shall encourage social organizations and individuals to assist and support the employment of disabled people through various channels and by various means, and shall encourage disabled people to obtain employment using various methods. Discrimination against disabled people in the course of employment is strictly prohibited.
Disabled people should take steps to enhance their personal attributes and become more employable.
Article 5 The people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the overall planning and coordination of their work to promote the employment of disabled people. The people's governments at the county level and above shall be responsible for disabled people's work institutions and for organizing, coordinating, leading and procuring the assistance of the relevant departments in their work for the employment of disabled people. The labor security, civil affairs and other relevant departments of the people's governments at the county level and above shall advance the employment of disabled people within the scope of their respective responsibilities.
Article 6 The Chinese United Association of Disabled People and its local branches shall, in accordance with laws and regulations or after receiving government instructions, be responsible for organizing and supervising specific work programs to realize the employment of disabled people.